Studies on popular and subaltern groups in Antiquity
Historiography and general works
DE ROBERTIS, F. M. Storia sociale di Roma: le classi inferiori. Bari: Idea, 1945.
DUPLÁ, A. Notas a propósito de la historiografía marxista italiana del mundo clásico. SHHA, Salamanca, v. 19, p. 115-42, 2001.
DUPLÁ, A. Interpretaciones de la crisis tardorrepublicana: del conflicto social a la articulación del consenso. SHHA, Salamanca, v. 25, p. 185-201, 2007.
DUPLÁ, A. Nota sobre los rostros de la plebe romana. Veleia, v. 24-25, p. 953-62, 2007-2008.
GARRAFFONI, R. S. História Antiga e as camadas populares: repensando o Império Romano. Cadmo (Lisboa), v. 18, p. 169-180, 2008.
IJALBA PÉREZ, P. ¿Una “historia desde abajo” de la Antigüedad es posible? El análisis de la historiografía sobre la Roma Antigua. SHHA, Salamanca, v. 29, p. 237-49, 2011.
VLASSOPOULOS, K. Unthinking the Greek Polis: Ancient Greek History beyond Eurocentrism. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007.
Popular culture
COURRIER, C. Plebeian Culture in the City of Rome, from the Late Republic to the Early Empire. In: GRIG, L. (ed.). Popular Culture in the Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, p. 107-128.
FORSDYKE, S. Street Theatre and Popular Justice in Ancient Greece: Shaming, Stoning and Starving Offenders Inside and Outside the Courts. Past and Present, v. 201, n. 1, p. 1-50, 2008.
FORSDYKE, S. Slaves Tell Tales: And Other Episodes in the Politics of Popular Culture in Ancient Greece. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012.
FUNARI, P. P. A. Cultura popular na Antiguidade Clássica. São Paulo: Contexto, 1989.
FUNARI, P. P. A. Graphic Caricature and the Ethos of Ordinary People at Pompeii. Journal of European Archaeology, v. 1, n. 2, p. 133-150, 1993.
FUNARI, P. P. A. El Carácter Popular de La Caricatura Pompeyana. Gerión, v. 11, p. 153-173, 1993.
FUNARI, P. P. A. Aspectos de la cultura popular romana a partir de Pompeya: arte, erotismo y sensibilidad en el mundo romano. Barcelona: Editorial Académica Española, 2012.
GARRAFFONI, R. S.; LAURENCE, R. Writing in public space from child to adult: The meaning of graffiti. In: SEARS, G.; KEEGAN, P.; LAURENCE, R. (Orgs.). Written Space in the Latin West, 200 BC to AD 300. London: Bloomsbury, 2013, p. 123-34.
GRIG, L. Approaching Popular Culture in Late Antiquity: Singing in the Sermons of Caesarius of Arles. Studia Patristica, v. 69, n. 17, p. 197-204, 2013.
GRIG, L. Interpreting the Kalends of January: A Case Study for Late Antique Popular Culture? In: ____. (ed.). Popular Culture in the Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, p. 237-254.
GRIG, L. (ed.). Popular Culture in the Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017.
HORSFALL, N. The Culture of the Roman Plebs. London: Duckworth, 2003.
MAGALHÃES DE OLIVEIRA, J. C. Communication and Plebeian Sociability in Late Antiquity: The View from North Africa in the Age of Augustine. In: ____. (ed.). Popular Culture in the Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, p. 296-317.
O’NEILL, P. Going Round in Circles: Popular Speech in Ancient Rome. Classical Antiquity, v. 22, n. 1, p. 135-76, 2003.
PURCELL, N. Literate games: Roman society and the game of alea. Past and Present, v. 147, p. 3-37, 1995.
TONER, J. Popular Culture in Ancient Rome. Cambridge/Malden, MA: Polity, 2009.
Popular politics
COURRIER, C. De la mémoire du conflit au conflit de mémoires: lutte des ordres et mémoire de la plèbe à la fin de la République romaine. In: MÉNARD, H. et al. (eds.). La Pomme d’Éris: Le conflit et sa représentation dans l’Antiquité. Montpellier: Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2012, p. 501-25.
ERDKAMP, P. A Starving Mob has no Respect. Urban Riots and Food Markets in the Roman World, 100 BC – 400 AD. In: BLOIS, L.; RICH, J. (eds.). The Transformation of Economic Life under the Roman Empire. Amsterdam: Gieben, 2002, p. 93-115.
EVANS, R. (ed.). Mass and Elite in the Greek and Roman Worlds: from Sparta to Late Antiquity. London: Routledge, 2017.
GALVÃO-SOBRINHO, C. R. Doctrine and Power: Theological Controversy and Christian Leadership in the Later Roman Empire. Berkeley: The University of California Press, 2013.
KRÖSS, K. Die politische Rolle der stadtromischen Plebs in der Kaiserzeit. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
MAGALHÃES DE OLIVEIRA, J. C. Potestas Populi: Participation populaire et action collective dans les villes de l’Afrique romaine tardive (vers 300-430 apr. J.-C.). Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive, 24. Turnhout: Brepols, 2012.
MAGALHÃES DE OLIVEIRA, J. C. “Morto pelas mãos do povo”. Rituais de execução e justiça popular na Antiguidade Tardia. Classica (São Paulo), v. 27, p. 261-284, 2014.
MILLAR, F. The Crowd in Rome in the Late Republic. Ann Arbor, 1998.
ROSILLO LÓPEZ, C. Popular public opinion in a nutshell. Nicknames and non-elite political culture in the Late Republic. In: GRIG, L. (ed.). Popular Culture in the Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2017, p. 91-106.
ROSILLO LÓPEZ, C. Public Opinion and Politics in the Late Roman Republic. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).
Urban plebs
BESEVLIEV, V.; SEYFARTH, W. (Hrsg.). Die Rolle der Plebs im Spätrömischen Reich. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1969.
BRUNT, P. A. The Roman mob. Past and Present, v. 35, p. 3-27, 1966.
COURRIER, C. La plèbe de Rome et sa culture (fin du IIe siècle av. J.-C. – fin du Ier siècle ap. J.-C.). BEFAR, 353. Rome: École Française de Rome, 2014.
KNEPPE, A. Untersuchungen zur städtischen Plebs des 4. Jahrhunderts n.Chr. Bonn: Habelt, 1979.
MAGALHÃES DE OLIVEIRA, J. C. Potestas Populi: Participation populaire et action collective dans les villes de l’Afrique romaine tardive (vers 300-430 apr. J.-C.). Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive, 24. Turnhout: Brepols, 2012.PURCELL, N. The city of Rome and the plebs urbana in the late Republic. In: CROOK, J. A.; LINTOTT, A.; RAWSON, E. (eds.). Cambridge Ancient History, v. IX: The Last Age of the Roman Republic, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994, p. 644-688.
PURCELL, N. The populace of Rome in Late Antiquity: problems of classification and historical description. In: HARRIS, W. V. (Ed.). The Transformations of Vrbs Roma in Late Antiquity. JRA Suppl. 33. Portsmouth, RI, p. 135-161, 1999.
YAVETZ, Z. The living conditions of the urban plebs in Republican Rome. Latomus, v. 17, p. 500-17, 1958.
YAVETZ, Z. Plebs and Princeps. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969.
Craftsmen and other urban workers
BRUNT, P. A. Free Labour and Public Works at Rome. Journal of Roman Studies, v. 70, p. 81-100, 1980.
BUCKLER, W. H. Labour Disputes in the Province of Asia. In: BUCKLER, W. H.; CALDER, W. M. (eds.). Anatolian Studies Presented to Sir William Mitchel Ramsay. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1923, p. 27-50.
CARRIÉ, J.-M. Les associations professionnelles à l’époque tardive: entre munus et convivialité. In: CARRIÉ, J.-M.; LIZZI TESTA, R. (eds.), Humana sapit: Études d’Antiquité Tardive offertes à Lellia Cracco Ruggini. Bibliothèque de l’Antiquité Tardive, 3. Turnhout: Brepols, 2002, p 309-332.
CRACCO RUGGINI, L. Le associazioni professionali nel mondo romano-bizantino. In: SETTIMANE DI STUDIO DEL CENTRO ITALIANO DI STUDIO SUL MEDIOEVO. XVIII. Artigianato e tecnica nella società del alto medioevo occidentale. 2-8 aprile 1970. V. 1. Spoleto, 1971, p. 59-193.
DE ROBERTIS, F. M. Il diritto associativo romano dai collegi della Repubblica alle corporazioni del Basso Impero. Bari, 1938.
DE ROBERTIS, F. M. Lavoro e lavoratori nel mondo romano. Bari: Adriatica editrice, 1963.
DE ROBERTIS, F. M. Storia delle corporazioni e del regime associativo nel mondo romano. 2 v. Bari: Adriatica editrice, 1971.
DI BRANCO, M. Lavoro e conflittualità sociale in una città tardoantica. Una rilettura dell’epigrafe di Sardi GIG 3467 (= Le Bas-Waddington 628 = Sardis VII, 1, n. 18). Antiquité Tardive, v. 8, p. 181-208, 2000.
FLOHR, M. The World of the Fullo: Work, Economy and Society in Roman Italy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013.
FREU, C. Labour Status and Economic Stratification in the Roman World: The Hierarchy of the Wages in Roman and Byzantine Egypt. Journal of Roman Archeology, v. 28, p. 161-177, 2015.
GALVÃO-SOBRINHO, C. R. Claiming Places: Sacred Dedications and Public Space in Rome in the Principate. In: BODEL, J.; KAJAVA, M. (eds.). Sacred Dedications in the Greco-Roman World: Diffusion, Function, Typology – Dediche Sacre nel Mondo Greco-Romano: Diffusione, funzioni, tipologie. Roma: Quasar, 2009, p. 127-159.
GIARDINA, A. Aristocrazie terriere e piccola mercatura: sui rapporti tra potere politico e formazione dei prezzi nel tardo-impero romano. Quaderni Urbinati, v. 36, p. 123-46, 1981.
GIARDINA, A. Lavoro e storia sociale: antagonismi e alleanze dall’ellenismo al tardoantico. Opus, v. 1, p. 115-146, 1982.
JACQUES, F. Humbles et notables. La place des humiliores dans les collèges de jeunes et leur rôle dans la révolte africaine de 238. Antiquités Africaines, v. 15, p. 217-230, 1980.
JOSHEL, S. R. Work, Identity, and Legal Status at Rome: A Study of the Occupational Inscriptions. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1992.
MAGALHÃES DE OLIVEIRA, J. C. Travail, habitation et sociabilités populaires dans les villes de l'Afrique romaine: les quartiers commerçants et artisanaux de Carthage et de Timgad. In: FONTAINE, S.; SARTRE, S.; TEKKI, A. (Org.). La ville au quotidien. Regards croisés sur l'habitat et l'artisanat antiques (Afrique du Nord, Gaule, Italie). Aix-en-Provence: Presses Universitaires de Provence, 2011, p. 59-69.
MAZZA, M. Sul proletariato urbano in epoca imperiale: Problemi del lavoro in Asia Minore. Syculorum Gymnasium, v. 27, p. 237-278, 1974.
MOREL, J.-P. O artesão. In: GIARDINA, A. (ed.). O homem romano. Trad. Maria J. V. Figueiredo. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1991, p. 181-202.
SODINI, J.-P. L’artisanat urbain à l’époque paléochrétienne. Ktema, v. 4, p. 71-119, 1979.
TRAN, N. Les membres des associations romaines. Le rang social des collegiati en Gaule et en Italie sous le Haut-Empire. Roma: École française de Rome, 2006.
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VAN MINNEN, P. Urban Craftsmen in Roman Egypt. MBAH, v. 6, p. 31-88, 1987.
VAN NIJF, O. The Civic World of Professional Associations in the Roman East. Amsterdam: J. C. Gieben, 1997.
VERBOVEN, K.; LAES, C. (eds.). Work, Labour, and Professions in the Roman World. Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2016.
WALTZING, J.-P. Étude historique sur les corporations professionnelles chez les Romains depuis les origines jusqu’à la chute de l’empire d’Occident. 4 v. Louvain, 1895-1900.
WILSON, A.; FLÖHR, M. (eds.). Urban Craftsmen and Traders in the Roman World. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
ZANINI, E. Artisans and Traders in the Early Byzantine City: Exploring the Limits of Archaeological Evidence. In: BOWDEN, W.; GUTERIDGE, A.; MACHADO, C. (eds.). Social and Political Life in Late Antiquity. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006, p. 373-411.
Peasants and other rural workers
CARRIÉ, J.-M. Le “colonat du bas-empire”: un mythe historiographique? Opus, v. 1, p. 351-70, 1982.
CARRIÉ, J.-M. Un roman des origines: les généalogies du “colonat du bas-empire”. Opus, v. 2, p. 205-51, 1983.
CRACCO RUGGINI, L. Coloni et inquilini: miseri et egeni homines? In: GRIFÒ, G.; GIGLIO, S. (a cura di). Atti dell’Academia Romanistica Costantiniana. VIII convegno internazionale. Perugia/Napoli, 1990, p. 199-216.
D’ESCURAC-DOISY, H. Notes sur le phénomène associatif dans le monde paysan à l’époque du Haut-Empire. Antiquités Africaines, v. 1, p. 59-71, 1967.
DE LIGT, L. The Roman Peasantry: Demand, Supply, Distribution between Town and Countryside. I: Rural Monetization and Peasant Demand. MBAH, v. 9, n. 2, p. 29-56, 1990.
DE LIGT, L. The Roman Peasantry: Demand, Supply, Distribution between Town and Countryside. II: Supply, Distribution and a Comparative Perspective. MBAH, v. 10, n. 1, p. 33-77, 1991.
DOSSEY, L. Peasant and Empire in Christian North Africa. Berkeley/Los Angeles: The University of California Press, 2010.
EVANS, J. K. Plebs rustica. The Peasantry of Classical Italy. I: The Peasantry in Modern Scholarship. A Methodological Critique. AJAH, v. 5, p. 19-47, 1980.
EVANS, J. K. Plebs rustica. The Peasantry of Classical Italy. II: The Peasant Economy. AJAH, v. 5, p. 134-73, 1980.
GARNSEY, P. Peasants in Ancient Roman Society. Journal of Peasant Studies, v. 3, p. 221-35, 1975-1976.
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GILIBERTI, G. Servi della terra: ricerchi per una storia del colonato. Orino: G. Giappichelli Editore, 1999.
KOLENDO, J. Le colonat en Afrique sous le Haut-Empire. Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1976.
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KOLENDO, J. O camponês. In: GIARDINA, A. (ed.). O homem romano. Trad. Maria J. V. Figueiredo. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1991, p. 169-178.
KÜHNERT, B. Plebs rustica. Entstehung und Inhalt eines Begriffs. In: KÜHNERT, B.; RIEDEL, V.; GORDESIANI, R. (Hrsg.). Prinzipat und Kultur im 1. und 2. Jahrhundert. Wissenschaftliche Tagung 27.-30. Oktober 1992 in Jena. Bonn: Habelt, 1995, p. 50-55.
LEPELLEY, C. Trois documents méconnus sur l’histoire sociale et religieuse de l’Afrique romaine tardive, retrouvés parmi les spuria de Sulpice Sévère. Antiquités Africaines, v. 25, p. 235-62, 1989 (= Aspects de l’Afrique romaine. Les cités, la vie rurale, le christianisme. Bari : Edipuglia, 2001, p. 241-77).
MACMULLEN, R. Peasants during the Principate. ANRW, v. 2, n. 1, p. 253-61, 1974.
MAGALHÃES DE OLIVEIRA, J. C. Camponeses e cultura escrita na África romana e pós-romana. In: MAGALHÃES DE OLIVEIRA, J. C.; SELVATICI, M. (Org.). Textos e Representações da Antiguidade: Transmissão e Interpretações. Maringá-PR: EDUEM, 2012, p. 73-89.
PICARD, G. C. Observations sur la condition des populations rurales dans l’Empire Romain, en Gaule et en Afrique. ANRW, v. 2, n. 3, p. 98-111, 1975.
SILVA, U. G. Rebeldes contra o Mediterrâneo: Revoltas rurais e a escrita da história das classes subalternas na Antiguidade Tardia. São Paulo: Humanitas, 2016.
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SVENCICKAJA, I. S. Some Problems of Agrarian Relations in the Province of Asia. Eirene, v. 15, p. 27-54, 1977.
WOOD, E. M. Peasant-Citizen and Slave: The Foundations of Athenian Democracy. London/New York: Verso, 1988.
ZUCHOLD, B. Die römischen kleinen Bauern 200 bis 133 v.u.Z. In: HERRMANN, J.; SELLNOW, I. (Hrsg.). Die Rolle der Volksmassen in der Geschichte der vorkapitalistischen Gesellschaftsformationen. Zum 14. Internationalen Historikerkongress in San Francisco 1975. Berlin: Akademie Verlag, 1975, p. 117-20.
Slaves and freedpersons
ANDREAU, J. O liberto. In: GIARDINA, A. (ed.). O homem romano. Trad. Maria J. V. Figueiredo. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1991, p. 149-65.
ANDREAU, J. Prolétaires et entrepreneurs: la vie d’esclave à Rome. L’Histoire, v. 239, p. 88-93, 2000.
BARJA DE QUIROGA, P. L. Freedmen social mobility in Roman Italy. Historia, v. 44, p. 326-48, 1995.
DONDIN-PAYRE, M.; TRAN, N. (eds.). Esclaves et maîtres dans le monde romain: Expressions épigraphiques de leurs relations. Roma: École Française de Rome, 2016 (CÉFR, 527).
FLORY, M. B. Family in familia: kinship and community in slavery. American Journal of Ancient History, v. 3, p. 78-95, 1978.
GALVÃO-SOBRINHO, C. R. Feasting the dead together: Household burials and the social strategies of slaves and freed persons in the Early Principate. In: BELL, S.; RAMSBY, T. (Eds.). Free at Last! The Impact of Freed Slaves on the Roman Empire. London: Bristol Classical Press, 2013, p. 130-76.
JOLY, F. D. A escravidão romana em perspectiva sincrônica: escravos e libertos sob o principado de Nero. Politéia, Vitória da Conquista, v. 3, n.1, p. 63-83, 2003.
JOLY, F. D. Libertate opus est: escravidão, manumissão e cidadania à época de Nero (54-68 d.C.). Curitiba: Editora Progressiva, 2010.
JOLY, F. D. Escravidão e fronteiras sociais e identitárias no mundo romano. In: SILVA, G. V.; SILVA, E. C. M. (Org.). Fronteiras e identidades no Império Romano: aspectos sociopolíticos e religiosos. Vitória: GM Editora, 2015, p. 69-79.
LINTOTT, A. Freedmen and slaves in the light of legal documents from first-century A.D. Campania. Classical Quarterly, v. 52, n. 2, p. 555-65, 2002.
MACMULLEN, R. Late Roman Slavery. Historia, v. 36, p. 359-82, 1987.
MARTIN, R. Familia rustica: les esclaves chez les agronomes latins. Annales Littéraires de l’Université de Besançon, v. 163, p. 267-97, 1974.
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MILLAR, F. The Roman libertus and civic freedom. Arethusa, v. 28, p. 99-105, 1995.
MOURITSEN, H. The Freedman in the Roman world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011.
THÉBERT, Y. O escravo. In: GIARDINA, A. (ed.). O homem romano. Trad. Maria J. V. Figueiredo. Lisboa: Editorial Presença, 1991, p. 119-45.
VLASSOPOULOS, K. Slavery and citizenship in classical Athens: beyond a legalistic approach. European Review of History, v. 16, n. 3, p. 347-63, 2009.
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YAVETZ, Z. Slaves and Slavery in Ancient Rome. New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers, 1991.
The Poor
ATKINS, M.; OSBORNE, R. (eds.). Poverty in the Roman World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009.
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FREU, C. Les figures du pauvre dans les sources italiennes de l’Antiquité tardive. Paris: De Boccard, 2007.
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Foreigners, women, and other excluded and marginalized persons
FEITOSA, L. M. G. C. Amor e sexualidade: o masculino e o feminino em grafites de Pompeia. São Paulo: Annablume/Fapesp, 2005.
FEITOSA, L. M. G. C.; GARRAFFONI, R. S. Dignitas and infamia: rethinking marginalized masculinities in early Principate. SHHA, v. 28, p. 57-73, 2010.
FREU, C. Femmes à louer, femmes à vendre: les prostituées et leur famille dans le monde romain. Classica et Christiana, v. 4, n. 2, p. 79-101, 2009.
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