Reading Group: "Who is 'below' in the 'History from below'?"
Debate on Simona Cerutti's article, "Who is below?", published in Annales. Histoire, sciences sociales, v. 70, n. 4, p. 931-955, 2015.
12/5/2017, 10am, Department of History, University of São Paulo.
Reading Group: "Who were 'the people' in the Ancient World?"
Debate on Lucy Grig's paper, "Introduction: Approaching Popular Culture in the Ancient World", in L. Grig (ed.), Popular Culture in the Ancient World (Cambridge, 2017), 1-36.
5/7/2017, 14pm, Department of History, University of São Paulo.
Lecture: "Inscriptions, language, and diversity: Pompeian graffiti and the everyday life at the beginning of the Roman Empire"
Dr. Renata Senna Garraffoni (UFPR)
7/7/2017, 10am, Department of History, University of São Paulo.

Debate on Fabio Morales' book, A Democracia Ateniense pelo Avesso
17/8/2017, 10am, Department of History, University of São Paulo (the presentation included the participation of the author).

Lecture: "Acclamations in Late Antiquity"
Dr. Luise Marion Frenkel (USP)
15/9/2017, 10am, Department of History, University of São Paulo.
Debate on Cyril Courrier's book, La Plèbe de Rome et sa culture
19/10/2017, 10am, Department of History, University of São Paulo (the presentation included the participation of the author by video-conference).
Lecture: "Early Christianity as a Mediterranean popular religiosity: delimitations and methodological issues"
Dr. Paulo Nogueira (Universidade Metodista de São Paulo)
9/11/2017, 10am. Department of History, University of São Paulo.