Events organized by the Research Group in 2018:
Postgraduate course: "Profissional Activity and Social Identity in the Roman World"
Dr. Cyril Courrier (Aix-Marseille Université)
19-21/3/2018, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm, Video Room, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo.
International Conference: "Ancient History from Below: Possibilities and Challenges"
22-23/3/2018, Auditorium Nicolau Sevcencko, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo.
For more information about the conference and to watch the vidcasts of the two days of presentations, click here.
Lecture: "The Angel of History and the concept of History against the grain in Walter Benjamin"
Dr. Augusto Bruno de Carvalho Dias Leite (UFMG)
6/4/2018, 2:00 pm. Room 16, Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo.
Lecture: "Popular Practices and Christian Identities in Roman Asia Minor (second century CE)"
Dr. Monica Selvatici (UEL)
5/6/2018, 2:00 pm. Department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, Letters, and Human Sciences, University of São Paulo.
Lecture: "The Ethnos of Ancient Greek Potters: Some Initial Thoughts"
Dr. Gilberto da Silva Francisco (Professor of Ancient History, UNIFESP)
23/8/2018, 2:00 p.m. Video Room, Department of History, USP.
To watch the vidcast of the presentation, click here!
Work in progress: "Religion and Subalternity in Late Antiquity: The Case of the Donatist Controversy (4th-5th centuries)"
Juliana Marques Morais (PhD student in Social History/USP)
14/9/2018, 2:00 pm. Video Room, Department of History, USP.
To watch the vidcast of the presentation, click here!
Lecture: "The Apocalypse of John: did a subaltern speak?"
Steven Friesen (Professor, Louise Boyer Chair in Biblical Studies, University of Texas at Austin)
05/10/2018, 10:00 am. Department of History, University of São Paulo.
To watch the vidcast of the presentation, click here!
Work in Progress: "The Aristocratic House of Ostia in Late Antiquity: A View from the Bottom-up"
Márcio Monteneri (MA student in Social History/USP)
19/10/2018, 10:00 am. Department of History, USP.
To watch the vidcast of the presentation, click here!